8 Alternatives to College
Somehow I went wrong as a father. The other day my two daughters informed me they eventually want to go to college. I said, "No way!" and they attempted to argue with me. I have no problem with them talking back to me but somehow they've been brainwashed by society into thinking that college is a good thing for young, intelligent, ambitious young people. Let's look at the basic facts about higher education.
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Don't Send Your Kids to College
Somehow I went wrong as a father. The other day my two daughters informed me they eventually want to go to college. I said, "No way!" and they attempted to argue with me. I have no problem with them talking back to me but somehow they've been brainwashed by society into thinking that college is a good thing for young, intelligent, ambitious young people. Let's look at the basic facts about higher education.
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Cherishing the After Life
We all die. What happens then varies with culture, status and time. I like to visit burial grounds, because they demonstrate people's ideas about the life hereafter. Europe has beautiful cemeteries, of which the Cimetière du Père-Lachaise probably is the most famous. Here are three sites that are a bit different from those in the Western, Christian tradition.
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Great Holiday Pictures with the Squinch
As holiday season arrives with its requisite, forced "We're having a great time!" group photos, non-photogenic folk all over the world sigh deeply. To their (our) rescue comes the new face pulling tip publicised by portrait photographer Peter Hurley.