Lessons from a Telemarketer
During my "career transition" journey, I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience the blessing of performing the job of a telemarketer. I realize telemarketers aren't received well. Yet, a person can gain vital skills IF they approach their telemarketing position with the right mind frame. It's immensely important to emphasize here that regardless of where you may find yourself during your career, you must accentuate the positive.
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Ten Strategies for Success Abroad
Working across cultures requires a diverse skill set and a different approach from business in general. When bridging cultures both similar and foreign to your own, certain strategies are crucial to international business success. Here are ten strategies for interacting with people from different cultures.
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The Myth of Time Management
“How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.” This is so real that most of us can easily recall the first moment that we spoke in public and the huge emotional impact that it had. Some of us never did it again!
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Speaking in public worse than dying?
Jerry Seinfeld said in one of his shows: "I read a thing that says that speaking in front of a crowd is considered the number one fear of the average person. I found that amazing – number two was death! That means to the average person if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the eulogy."
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Networking: Business Tactic or Life Application?
Nowadays, people have seemed to have forgotten about the long lost art of communicating with others. When I say, "communicating," I'm talking about having meaningful, thoughtful, and sincere conversations with people.
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Why vacation is Good for Business
More and more individuals are finding it difficult to manage the complexities of their lives. The pace of work has become faster and the amount of work generated in a day is extraordinary. We become fatigued and we operate at less than optimal levels. We often bring work home with us whether mentally or in fact.
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Business Wise Brazil is Hot
Every 4 years the world football cup fever takes over. Everybody suddenly seems to like football. How can you not be swept by the fever? This year all eyes are cast on Brazil, as host of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. But Brazil has been on the main stage for some years now, as a profitable business harbour.

5 Ways to Do Nothing and Become More Productive
I got an email at 5 in the morning that made me angry. It pressed every button. It accused. It threatened. It cc-ed people. It attempted to make me feel guilt. It attempted to make me feel fear. I can go on.
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10 Ways to Lift 10K
You've probably heard the old saying, "The phone weighs 10,000 lbs". Yes, I remember when that used to be true for me. One of the biggest lessons (and most lucrative) that I learned from Suzanne as my business coach is that the fastest path to cash is reaching out and calling people to either talk to them about working with me or see if they knew someone who needed my help.
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Goal Setting Secrets For Women Entrepreneurs (II)
Goals can be tricky because women often slip into a space of "inner negotiating". You know this is happening to you when you find yourself thinking of a goal, then immediately down-sizing it because of fear of failing.
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Goal Setting Secrets For Women Entrepreneurs (I)
Goals either light you up or make you groan, but either way, if you're not taking control of setting goals then you're letting things "just happen to you" which means you're running your business by default instead of by design.
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Networking without a Birth Network
Networking can be a challenge; it can be nerve-racking, even stressful. When you network in a place which isn't your birthplace, you can add feeling awkward to the mix. But it does not have to be that way.
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Mean People Earn More Money
According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, authors Beth Livingston, Timothy Judge and Charlice Hurst surveyed how being nice at work affects your success, your pay check and how the effects of being nice differ for men and women.
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Five Tips to Set Yourself Up for Success
Do you have a goal, something you really want to have – do, but find that you cannot motivate yourself? It's too much work and you feel lost at the daunting idea of planning your steps? Just saying I have a dream, or I would like to have this will not be of service for you to succeed. To achieve goals you need to know what you want and what you need to do to reach your goals.
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Building Personal Resiliency in Times of Rapid Change
Strategic agility and customer responsiveness are essential to the success of organizations today.
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Four P's: Developing Women for Leadership
What are the essential elements for women who are rising to top levels in their organizations or who are starting their own business?
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Be Aware of Phantom Invoices During Vacation
Vacation time has arrived and malicious parties are extra active to swindle with phantom invoices, taking advantage of entrepreneurs who try to wrap up business just before going on vacation leave.
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Living in the Netherlands and Income from Abroad
Some people living in the Netherlands have also an income from abroad. Questions that arise are: Where do I declare the income from abroad? Abroad is also taxed, will I be taxed twice? If this is your situation, keep reading.
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The Word for 2013 and the 21st Century Organization - Amplify
Can you feel it? Can you feel the shift that is happening in the world? It's happening culturally, economically, socially, and globally. There is a greater risk to doing things the same way than there is to shaking it up and opening to what is shifting right now.
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The Hero's Journey
In search of the authentic leader in you.
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Colors to Wear for a Job Interview
As is frequently said, you never have a second chance to make a first impression. So, as color is a vital part of the first impression, it is important to get the color right.
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Business Protection Means Trademark Protection
You can't ignore them. You see them every day. Trademarks. The coffee we drink, the shoes we wear, the computer I am using right now. Some consider trademarks as a phenomenon of the commercialization, while others use them to establish an identity, as a statement.