Did you ever have that feeling, where instinctively you just know there’s more out there for you, but grabbing it is like gambling? Reviving Colors, I’ve had that instinctive feeling for the past three years, and as time passes, reconfirmations have proven that my intuition was right all along.
As human beings we have the ability to think and reason, but at times we become too cautious, wanting to have everything well figured out. In that perspective, we can learn a lot from animals. They act on their instinct.
Stepping out of your comfort zone is a matter of listening to your heart and your head, and in most cases your gut or instinct will prove you right. I like the way Bishop T.D. Jakes puts it: “Intelligence loads the gun, Instinct pulls the trigger”. What an insight!
And, oh am I so glad I pulled that trigger, after the gun was loaded by the high level of intelligence present on Colors team. Here’s the reason why. I am honored to be among the five nominees for the prestigious Dutch Caribbean Pearl Award in the category of Entrepreneurship. Besides the wide exposure Colors will receive, I would like to see this as a reward for our efforts and accomplishments to date, triggering us to settle for nothing less than the best.